6 simple feng shui tricks for a happy home

April Kennedy April Kennedy
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The single most important characteristic of your home is that it encourages you to feel calm and happy. As we all know, this isn't a quality that can easily be manufactured and bought – and thank goodness for that because some of us need to be a little careful with our budget! 

So what tricks and tips can you harness to create a happy home? Well, the ideas behind feng shui are a pretty good place to start. They are derived from an ancient practice of thought that considers the flow of energy throughout the home. There are lots of feng shui basics that get used all the time by mainstream home decorators and designers too. So let's check them out!

1. Air-purifying plants

Houseplants are an excellent way to bring energy and harmony into the home. However, it's really important that they are healthy and thriving. An easy to care for bamboo plant is a classic lucky choice. Cactus plants are considered undesirable and ferns or palms are always good for purifying the air.

2. A bed facing north

In a bedroom with good feng shui, the pillow is always facing north and there is no direct line of sight between the bed and the door. But the most important thing is to consider how you might create a calming and restful atmosphere. The colours in the room should be calming and suited to encouraging a good night's sleep. The room should be clear of electronic items as much as possible and there should only be beautiful or calming objects on display.

3. The right desk position

Feng shui experts will always tell you that the desk much be situated in the power position. This means it should have a good clear view of the door. If this isn't possible, arrange a mirror on the desk to reflect the view behind you. The home office should also be devoid of clutter and there should be just a few inspiring objects on display.

4. The best spot for the television

A television is the focus of a lot of energy in a living room. This isn't necessarily a bad thing in terms of the chi in the home. But the TV area does need to be contained. Don't set it up so it completely dominates the space. Move it to one side of the room and enclose it within a cabinet if possible. The living room should also feel like a place for quiet conversation and socialising.

5. Sofa position

Sofas can be great for dividing a living room, but they should never seem to be floating within the space. Ground the design by placing the sofa against a wall or at least a side cabinet. Also, make sure that you have a good view of doors and openings and avoid missing out on opportunities.

6. Pay attention to the entrance

A wall opposite the entrance is said to be bad feng shui. This can be remedied by hanging an attractive artwork on the wall. Mirrors are great, but they are best set up to run on either side of the doorway. Other important elements include good light and of course clear and free passageways.

For more harmonious interiors, have a look at 7 homes with perfect wood and white decor.

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